Saturday, July 16, 2011

on words


We tend to use words as if they don’t make an impact on everything. When we say things like “You’re a pain in my neck”, “This is killing me”, “I can’t do this” we are setting a physical component in motion. Literally, what we say is what we see.

It is written: “With a WORD G-D created the universe”. (He spoke it and it became visible). This is true of every word we use to describe our journey through the life process. It is best to think carefully before speaking, in order to create a world that is more pleasant to live in.

Picture the external world as if it were a blank sheet of paper or a movie screen. It is empty of all expression of thought. We fill this screen or paper with thoughts that are expressed in words and, without fail, the thought/word take on physical form.
Change the thought/word and the form changes too.

Thought leads to word which leads to physical manifestation. What more than this do you have to know in order to create the life you choose?

The presence of G-D is within every word. Realize that as fact and choose words of blessing over those that curse.

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