Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cause Priori


Everything in existence does so as a result of cause priori-first cause.  Nothing is possible without something or someone being at cause.

Simply speaking, a car can not exist without a cause priori.  The car doesn’t just appear out of nowhere.  Its appearance as a material object is the result of the technology and labor that went into assembling all of the parts that are necessary in producing the end product called a car.

The technology is the result of education and experimentation.  All three of these “things” have a cause priori called “thought”.  Thought or thinking is the cause of anything and everything in the physical universe.  Thought is the cause, even, in the non-physical universe but that is for later.  The components and parts that result in the existence of a car, also, are the result of the technology and skill required to take basic elements and transform them into usable objects.  This, too, requires thought as a cause priori.

We are now at a place where we can question where thought begins or, the cause priori of that process.  We begin with the human being and his or her brain and, many, say that the brain is the primary cause for the car. It is and it, also, isn’t.

The brain is a receiver and transmiter of energy and information. In other words, the brain does nothing more, or less, than process and communicate information.

We speak of the human “mind” as if it were an object within the human body.  Clearly, it is not.  The “mind” has no locus; no location anywhere within the body. It is external to it and, moreover, impossible to see with the five senses attributed to humanity (sight, smell, taste, hear, feel).  Therefore, it is appropriate to state that the “mind” does not exist within the physical universe.  The “mind” can only be “seen in the wake of its passing”.  We know the “mind” exists BECAUSE things exist.  That “mind” is actually THE MIND of G-D or, for all intents and purposes, the MIND IS G-D.

I contend, therefore, that G-D is the cause priori of everything and that “he” created its potential to exist in a state of nothingness (no-thing-ness) and that the locus of that state is nowhere within the universe as we know it.  What becomes more and more apparent is that “nothing” and “nowhere” is the actual state in which G-D exists unto “himself”.  Even the two descriptive words “nothing” and “nowhere” allude to G-D being the cause priori.  Nothing is, actually NO THING and nowhere is actually NOW HERE.

What about evolution? One might ask with defiance.  Obviously, the process of evolution is a clear reality.  That is not the issue here.  The issue is in understanding that, even, evolution had to have had a cause priori.  It did not self-create out of nothing. A non-thing must have caused the conditions in which the process operates.

What about the Big Bang theory?  That, too, as implausible as it is, must have a cause priori that created the bang.  Clearly, an unknown and unfathomable cause priori had a “hand” in all of it.

Think about this and draw your own conclusions.

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